Using several ratings from Performance forms in Compensation


In Compensation templates there is only one standard column called “pmRating” that can automatically retrieve a rating from Performance forms or Employee Profile or custom objects to use it in standard guideline tables.


We can feed this one and only Rating column from different performance forms (in case there are different performance review templates for different group of employees for example) but it always results in one and only rating value.


We can also use up to 3 custom columns from our Compensation template as attributes of standard guidelines.


How to use 2+ performance ratings in standard Compensation guidelines (or simply display 2+ ratings on Compensation worksheets).

In the 20 minutes recording below we solution the complex requirement of using the objcomp matrix placement from Performance forms in Compensation guidelines with the following design:

  1. Two different scheduled Integration center (API) jobs send Objective and Competency ratings from the sysOverall standard portlets of Employee Profile (which are natively integrated with Performance forms to store ratings) to an effective dated MDF custom object.
  2. The ratings are then mapped to 2 custom columns of the Compensation template and as a consequence become available to be used in Guidelines.

The design in the recording actually goes even further than just retrieving two ratings into a custom object: it also has on Save business rule with a built-in formula to merge both ratings into only one (in a third field) to help bring down the number of records in the Compensation guideline table.

Things to keep in mind when building a design like this.

  • There is a 50 million records limit for all custom MDF objects together in any SuccessFactors environment which means that in some cases for large customers wanting to retrieve more than 2 ratings into the Compensation template (for example 2 ratings in each Performance form and multiple performance forms per employee each year) it is better to build this design using a non-effective dated object as per the screenshot here.
  • In the recording below I mention it is not possible to build this design without having completed performance forms but this is actually not correct as we found out later after additional research. There is a checkbox in Provisioning > Company settings called “Show in-progress form ratings in live profile” that needs to be checked for Performance ratings to flow to the sysOverall portlets even though forms aren’t completed yet.
  • Before I made this recording I spent a whole day trying to run an API from Performance Forms directly instead of going through sysOverall portlets. I connected with many experts and we couldn’t make it work so I would strongly advise against running an API directly against the Performance form content, these portlets have all we need.


This recording was made for a customer (name not mentioned) using my demo environment data.


Additional links in connection with this topic (either functionally or technically with demos of MDF or Integration Center for other business cases) :


All the best,




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