With 2H 2022 Rehire with Old Employment is generally available to all customers. You can use the rehiring process to rehire an employee who left the organization. You can onboard a rehire with Old employment which the system detects as a part of rehire verification.
The purpose of this blog is to provide technical detail of data review for rehire page aka RHDR in SuccessFactors Onboarding. It will come handy for both consultants and rehire coordinators as RHDR internal working mechanism is completely different from other data review pages like New hire data review (NHDR) or Personal Data collection (PDC).
I expect that you have rehire with old employment already setup and you are able to select a candidate as rehire with old employment from rehire verification details page. Also you have the terminated employee under your target population.
Note:- In case of new hire or rehire with new employment having external user under the target population was sufficient for NHDR but in case of RHDR you need to have the terminated employee under your target population because the employee has not become external user. Only after submission of RHDR page is when the employee becomes external user.
Data Review For Rehire Page adhere to below points:
- The event-Reason dropdown will support only Event type Rehire. Irrespective of jobInfo.event-reason value passed from RCM or prior onboarding pages, event-reason will be cleared on Acceptance of Rehire on old Employment.
- The RHDR page will adhere to Employee data model to ensure the Rehire Coordinator reviews all the merged data before submission.
- onChange, onSave and onPostSave rules will execute for all rules enabled for Onboarding rules context.
- Workflows are not supported.
- To differentiate between rules executed for New Hire and Rehire, clients need to configure rules to use the processSubType field from OnboardingInfo object navigable from EmploymentInfo.
- Rehire acceptance during 1st Rehire Check will merge RCM data with terminated user data.
- Rehire acceptance during 2nd Rehire check will merge data from prior onboarding pages with the terminated user data
- Save draft button is disabled on this page.
- On submission of RHDR, creation of new timeslices for effective dated entities based on targetDate.
- Completion of Rehire Verification BPE user task happens on submission of RHDR.
- Forward Propagation will not be supported similar to the RCM-EC MPH rehire flow.
- Terminated employee will convert to external user on submission of RHDR.
- The rehire user should be part of target population of rehire coordinator or any user performing rehire data review (RHDR) .
- HiringNotCompleted flag will remain false during Rehire with old employment workflow.
Merge Logic for entities displayed on RHDR page:
In most of the cases data from RCM(in case of first rehire check) or data from PDC(in case of second rehire check) would always take precedence over data present in the DB.
The merge would only be used for displaying the data on the RHDR page and not save anything to the DB unless the Rehire Coordinator submits the Data on the Page.
On Save, for each effective dated entity, a new time slice would be created with the effective start date being the hire date of the rehire user and the effective end date of the previous/future
time slices would be adjusted accordingly.
For each non-effective dated entity, except EmploymentInfo, the existing data would be deleted and then re-created using merged data on a case-to-case basis.
For Collection entities Union Logic of Matched EO’s is used: If the matching business key is found for the RCM/ONB EO with the DB EO, consider RCM/ONB EO and discard the DB EO. Post this, all unmatched entities from each of the EO’s are added up to the list.
Below are the behaviour of different entities:
Entity | Effective Dated | Merge Behaviour on RHDR page | Save Behaviour on submit of RHDR page | |
1 | Personal Info | Y | Field Level Merge. | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
2 | Person Info | N |
Retain PersonId, PersonIdExternal and PerPersonUUID from DB EO, merge others. Set Person External User Visibility for existing Person |
Update Existing EO in DB |
3 | Work Permit Info | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
4 | Person RelationshipInfo | Y | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
5 | Home Address | Y | Entity level Merge Only, either take entire data from RCM or else entire data from the DB | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
6 | Emergency ContactPrimary | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
7 | ImInfo | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
8 | Email Info | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
9 | Phone Info | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
10 | NationalId Card | N | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | Re-create EO in DB |
11 | Global Info | Y | Entity level Merge Only, either take entire data from RCM or else entire data from the DB | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
12 | Job Info | Y | Field Level Merge. | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous and future records end date required. |
13 | Job RelationsInfo | Y | Union Logic of Matched EO’s | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
14 | Employment Info | N | No Merge Required. Only update new HireDate, ServiceDate, SeniorityDate |
Update HireDate of existing EO only. During save, some fields like ‘okToRehire’, endDate are modified to null, jobNumber to 1L |
15 | PayComponent NonRecurring | N | No merge. DB data is ignored entirely | DB PCNR is deleted and new record is created. |
16 | PayComponent Recurring | Y | No merge. DB data is ignored entirely | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
17 | Comp Info | Y | Field Level Merge. | New Time slice with EF Date = Hire Date of Rehire. Adjustment in previous record end date required. |
RHDR page respects Hire/Rehire Config:
Hire/Rehire Configuration
Apart from existing match criteria RHDR will also respect Default Personal Information during rehire, Default Job Information during rehire, Default Compensation Information during rehire. Following would be the behaviour for these flags :
Yes : Consider both RCM/ONB data and DB data during the merge.
No: Ignore the DB data for that particular entity during the merge, instead only consider data coming from RCM/ONB.