Hi Community,
The 2H 2023 release is here!
A new set of enhancements has been released in the 2H 2023 release that has been eagerly awaited. The SAP SuccessFactors H2 2023 Release includes some key features and enhancements, so let’s take a closer look!
1- Access Succession Org Chart from Talent Cards:
You can now access the Succession Org Chart from an employee’s talent card used in Calibration.
Calibration Talent Card
Enablement: Automatically on (Succession Org Chart must be enabled)
2- Default Facilitators Supported for Calibration Sessions Created on Team Overview Page (Customer Community Idea):
Now, the admin can define the default facilitators for all the calibration sessions created using the Team Overview Page. Managers and default facilitators with proper permissions can deactivate the
session and then add or remove facilitators through Admin Center>Manage Calibration Session.
Configuration Requirement:
- Admin Center>Manage Calibration Settings Global Settings>Launch Calibration from the Team Overview of Performance Management option.
- Add facilitator details under Choose one or more users as default facilitators for a new manager calibration session field.Under Admin Center Manage Calibration Settings Manager Template select a Performance Template.
Calibration Global Settings
Enablement: Customer Configured
3- Reopen Calibration Session (Customer Community Idea):
This is one of the best features of the 2H 2020 release, Now admin can reopen a calibration session that has already been finalized.
Reopen sessions on the Calibration landing page
Reopen sessions through Admin Center Manage Calibration Sessions
Configuration Requirement:
Admin Center>Manage Calibration Settings>Permissions to reopen calibration sessions
Permission tab under Manage Calibration Settings
Enablement: Automatically on
4- Skill Ratings Available in Calibration Stack Ranker:
In calibration sessions, managers can now use the stack ranker tool to review and change ratings for employees’ skills. Previously, only overall and competency ratings were supported.
List View of Calibration
Configuration Requirement:
- You’ve migrated to Talent Intelligence Hub
- The skills section have been configured in the Performance Template
- Enable stack ranker within Calibration under the Advanced tab of the Calibration general setting
Enablement: Customer Configured
Here are just a few of the changes included in the latest release. For a detailed release summary, check out the “What’s New Viewer” for a list of enhancements across the application.