Terraform provider for SAP BTP is coming to town … as release candidate

… You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Terraform is coming to town … as release candidate

Welcome Release Candidate

It is less than 6 month ago that the beta version of the Terraform provider was officially announced (link) and published in the Terraform registry. Since then, several beta releases have landed delivering new features and bug fixes.

We are nearing the Christmas holidays and we have a small gift for you already today: the Terraform provider is available as release candidate and with that we are one big step closer to the general availability of the provider:


Why no general available (GA) version for productive usage yet? We want to make sure that the productive usage of the Terraform provider gives you a smooth experience. For that the release candidate gives you dear community another round to provide us feedback if things work as expected before we release it as GA.

So, this is your chance now to evaluate and test the provider and give us feedback!

What to do if you find a bug or miss a feature? Maybe someone else already filed an issue for that , so check the list on GitHub (https://github.com/SAP/terraform-provider-btp/issues) and give it a “thumbs up” which helps us prioritize.
If you did not find something, please file an issue in the GitHub repository of the Provider using one of the fitting templates:   https://github.com/SAP/terraform-provider-btp/issues/new/choose

In case you have a question or want to discuss an idea with us and the community, please use the GitHub Discussions that we have on our repository:  https://github.com/SAP/terraform-provider-btp/discussions.

What are the further plans aka when will the GA version land?

Based on the feedback we plan for one additional release candidate in January 2024 and then keeping the finders crossed a GA version not too long after the second release candidate.

By the way: even after GA the Terraform provider remains an open-source project, so the feedback channel stays on GitHub and of course remains open.

And before you ask: community contributions are welcome too!

With that – Happy Terraforming

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