Hi Experts,
I’m using ABAP2XLSX for a project and mostly it’s working fine, but I’m trying to find a way how to display leading zeros in my xlsx file when it comes to display floating numbers.
So far I tried every number_format available in the ABAP2XLSX package.
For example it looks like this:
lo_style_numbers->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_number_comma_sep2.
the datatype Im using in my structure is abap.fltp and Im using the fieldcatalog to fill the table:
LOOP AT lt_field_catalog ASSIGNING <fs_field_catalog>.
CASE <fs_field_catalog>–fieldname.
<fs_field_catalog>–position = 6.
<fs_field_catalog>–dynpfld = abap_true.
<fs_field_catalog>–style = lo_style_numbers->get_guid( ).
<fs_field_catalog>–scrtext_s = ‘Fließkommazahl’.
<fs_field_catalog>–scrtext_m = ‘Fließkommazahl’.
<fs_field_catalog>–scrtext_l = ‘Fließkommazahl’.
<fs_field_catalog>–totals_function = zcl_excel_table=>totals_function_sum.
<fs_field_catalog>–dynpfld = abap_false.
Now, when I create the file with “gs_test-zahl = ‘09.20’.” for example, it always cuts the first zero.
Since I could’nt find any hints via research my hope lies in your hands now 🙂
Thanks a lot so far and please let me know if you need more information to provide any help!