[rant] If you must explain a joke, it’s because it’s a bad one…

Hi again.
Welcome to another Vic’s rant, from the section: “Am I too old or someone messed it?”

I’m trying to find answers to some questions in this new setup, and it’s hard. Same for blog entries, the management of groups memberships and other nice things any community manages.

But there are a lot of blog posts in each group explaining “how to do this in this new…”. My guess is this time it’s not because I’m too old for change, but because the new UX needs improving. Yes, it’s cleaner (any way to have a dark theme?), corners are rounded and there are a lot of colorful namings and different sized fonts, options all around but… it’s complicated even with all those “helpful options”.

We live in the age of aesthetics, and I was used to do it in the age of practicity. I’m having problems to adapt. Any hints?

(nice option: the preview one… I could see my “new” signature: “SAP Error” and I love it)

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