Hi team. I have the following task to complete:
- Like in the first exercise of this course, create a new global class that implements interface IF_OO_ADT_CLASSRUN.
- Copy the following code snippet to the implementation part of method if_oo_adt_classrun~main( 😞
Code snippet
* Data Objects with Built-in Types ********************************************************************** ” comment/uncomment the following declarations and check the output DATA variable TYPE string. * DATA variable TYPE i. * DATA variable TYPE d. * DATA variable TYPE c LENGTH 10. * DATA variable TYPE n LENGTH 10. * DATA variable TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 2. * Output ********************************************************************** out->write( ‘Result with Initial Value)’ ). out->write( variable ). out->write( ‘———‘ ). variable = ‘19891109’. out->write( ‘Result with Value 19891109’ ). out->write( variable ). out->write( ‘———‘ ).
I have the following error:
Field “VARIABLE” is unknown.
Please assist. I am a beginner.