February Developer Challenge – CAP Plugins: Week 3

If you missed week 1, you could find all the details: here
If you missed week 2, you could find all the details: here

For this week’s challenge we are going to mix things up. Week 1 and week 2 both focused on extending the protocol or version of service endpoints. This week we will use a plugin that has a completely different purpose. We are going use the Change Tracking plugin. This plugin both extends the data model and the Fiori UI automatically. It stores change history information, exposes it within our service and adds a Change History UI element to our Fiori application; all with extremely minimal effort on your part!

Your Task this week

The Change Tracking plugin provides out-of-the box support for automated capturing, storing, and viewing of the change records of modeled entities. All we need is to add @changelog annotations to your models to indicate which entities and elements should be change-tracked.


Your task is to add change tracking to the Books entity and the Title attribute in your application.

To complete the challenge, post a screenshot of the Fiori UI for managing Books with the Change History with a change entry displayed. 


Bonus 1: Add change tracking to the Books.Author association. However, don’t display the unique ID when the association is changed. Instead, the change log should record and display the Author Name.

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