call unbound RAP action from CAP

Hello everyone,

I am trying to call an unbound action in RAP using CAP.

Based on the documentation I’m trying the send method:


const remote = await“api”)
let a = await remote.send(‘entity/namespace.action’,{parameters})


No matter what I tell him, right or wrong, he always tells me undefined.


When I call the service via rest client, I receive a correct response.

POST dest.dest/path.../entity/namespace.action
Content-Type: application/json


If I try to call an entity, there is no error/the correct answer.


Has anyone managed a call or an idea what I am doing wrong?


Thank you very much.

Best regards.


By the way, has anyone looked at the curiosity of an unbound action under RAP? I thought the service was built incorrectly.


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