READ TABLE with OR condition

Hi experts,

I would like to read the most recent entry from an internal table itab based on a condition.
Let’s assume the table looks like this and is sorted by the field Timestamp:

Flag Timestamp (DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS)
A 01-03-2024 12:00:00
C 01-03-2024 11:00:00
A 29-02-2024 15:27:00
B 29-02-2024 14:13:00
A 28-02-2024 10:00:00

I would like to fetch the most recent entry for which Flag is either B or C and I know that a possible solution would be to loop through the table:


LOOP AT itab into wa.
IF wa-flag = ‘B’ or wa-flag = ‘C’.

* Continue processing using wa


However, since I am already perfoming this opration in a nested loop, I would like to avoid adding another loop to the logic.

I also found solutions suggesting to use READ TABLE statements for each of the conditions, but they so not seem to be applicable in the situation described above:


Are there any alternatives to looping through the entire table to fetch the most recent entry for which Flag is either B or C? Would SELECT – FROM @itab for example be a valid and recommended approach in this situation?

I’d highly appreciate any thoughts and suggestions in this regard.

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