I am using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for createing a purchase order with poitem-price_unit = 10000, but I receive always the error message 771(SE).
poitem-quantity = 10.
poitem-net_price = 1,333,333.
poitem-price_unit = 10,000.
invplanitem-bill_value = 1,334.
Inputting this data in ME21N can successfully create purchase order, but it will fail in BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
Debugging BAPI I could check that message arrives from form CL_MMPUR_IV_PLAN->CHECK_IV_PLAN_PARTIAL where we can see that it has a check(lv_iv_total_val <> lv_po_total).
lv_iv_total_val = 1,334.
lv_po_total = lv_po_total = my_po_data-net_value * my_po_data-net_quantity = 1,333,333 * 10 = 13,333,330.
The reason why the two are not equal is because lv_po_total did not divide by PRICE_UNIT.
However, when invplanitem-bill_value = 13,333,330, BAPI will success, but the result is not I want. Bill value should be 1,334.
Do anyone faced same problem and fixed it in any way? I have to set price_unit = 10000 and want to create purchase order by BAPI.
Thank you for your help & Regards.