Marketplace Updates not working

Hello all,

I have 5 updates to the marketplace to perform – Delete record, Get record, Replace record, and Create record.

When I do the updates my external API calls to Xano fail.  Specifically, I rely on returning error codes from Xano to provide tailored alerts to my users.  (In Xano I use “Preconditions” with error messages that I return via the rawError message).

If I try creating a user that already exists, without the updates I get:

{“code”:”serverError”,”status”:404,”message”:”JSON error response from server: {“code”:”ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND”,”message”:”already exists”,”payload”:”already exists”}.”,”rawError”:{“code”:”ERROR_CODE_NOT_FOUND”,”message”:”already exists”,”payload”:”already exists”}}

But with the marketplace updates I only get: {“code”:”requestFailed”,”status”:404} which I cannot parse to get my “already exists” message.

Also, I actually only had 4 updates to make.  It says I have 5 updates to make.   After making all 4 updates it says I still have 1 to make.  When I try “Updating All”, it shows I have no more updates to make, however, my login page gets wiped out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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