The digital skills initiative for women

Dear SAP Learning Community, 

I am a 33 years old, Colombian-Spanish woman currently living in Germany. Until now have had a diverse career path. I got an International Business Bachelors Degree in Colombia and had the opportunity to work in the international commerce industry there, and in Spain. After some years of work experience I got a Master’s Degree in Business Studies and International Development Studies in Denmark and focused in the latter topic. I am currently living in Germany where I am working in an SAP consulting company as Operations Coordinator. While the company offers many interesting growth opportunities, it has been difficult for me to pursue any due to my lack of SAP related experience and knowledge. This initiative opens the possibility for me to develop the necessary skills to grow in an industry that I have found as one I truly want to be part of and grow in. 
Thanks in advance for your support!
Best regards, 

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