if_http_client->request->set_cdata – Result Double quotes around entire body

I am trying to do a Web Service Call.  I am using if_http_client-Request->set_cdata and append_cdata2. 

The beginning and ending double quotes shouldn’t be included.  Any ideas of what needs to be changed to fix this? 

Below is the code that I tried

  wa_patch_bodykeyfield ‘NeverGonnaGiveYouUp’. 

CREATE OBJECT ref_json_serializer
      data wa_patch_body.
  g_body ref_json_serializer->get_data).

*  ref_http_client->request->set_cdata(
*      exporting
*        data = g_body ).

         data g_body ).

Both result in the follow results in Postman:

{keyfield: “NeverGonnaGiveYouUp”}


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