Documentation for supersonic.api and Node.js functions

Hello everyone,

On the flowfunction section we can add our custom js functions or some function from the marketplace, I added the ‘Draw signature’ function from the marketplace, but the width of the opened window to draw is fixed, no matter if the device is on portrait or landscape mode.

If the device is in portrait the window fits the screen, but if i put in landscape the window rotate but the width if the same and the drawing can only go to 2/3 of the screen.


I opened the ‘Draw signature’ js code to adjust it, and changed the ‘aspectRatio’ var but it doesn’t change the window, just the result file, and i couldn’t find any useful documentation of this ‘supersonic.api’.


Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-04-11 à(s) 15.46.11_055f7321.jpg

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-04-11 à(s) 15.46.11_a3aa0580.jpg

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2024-04-11 à(s) 15.46.12_fa285141.jpg


ow can i change the width of the window when putting the device in landscape mode.




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