BAPI_PR_CHANGE is not updating Service Component of PR

Title: Troubleshooting BAPI_PR_CHANGE: Addressing Issues

I’ve recently got one issue with BAPI_PR_CHANGE. I’m trying to update the service component details of PR which is already created. I changed the quantity of Service component and executed the BAPI in an sequence along with Transaction commit. It is showing success message in Result screen along with certain Information Messages which is stating “Changes could not be Effected”. Please refer the screenshot below for the respective message.


The success message is stating that PR is updated but in ESLL table level the service PR is not updated. I’ve checked by changing test data multiple times but it is still not updating. But in ME52N Transaction level if I change and click on save button then it is updating in ESLL Table.


This is the input that I’m giving in SERVICELINES tab of BAPI_PR_CHANGE and I’m trying to change the quantity of it. But in the table level the quantity is not reflecting as shown below.


Here I’m trying to change the service quantity as 200 but the quantity is still 15 in table which is old one entered while creating service components and this is the issue. Service component data is not updating to ESLL table against sub package number.

For this issue I’ve tried multiple things and it goes as follows;

1. I tried debugging the standard Service PR ME52N Change Transaction and tried to trace how standard is updating the Service details but I found that they are not at all using BAPI_PR_CHANGE and they are using some internal logic and sequence of Update FMs to update ESLL table.

2. I tried debugging the BAPI and tried to find the spot where the update is not happening but with that also I cant able to find proper input.

3. I got the standard application of Manage PR from Fiori App library and tried to trace how it is getting handled in standard app but there I found they are using SAP GUI FOR HTML for this specific update scenario and for create and delete they are using BOPF Framework. Henceforth there also I cant able to trace the update logic hence for update same standard program is triggering from application.

It will be really helpful for me if someone helps me with this issue either by spotting any inconsistency in BAPI Test case or with approach we are following. We are struck with this for long time.

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