Counter in For iteration with WHERE clausule


I’m trying to populate a table using new syntax

I wonder to know how to populate a pos number field increasing it in 1 unit per each iteration. I can’t use index because the FOR iteration has WHERE clause.

This is my code


gt_accogl = VALUE #( FOR ls_outtab
IN gt_outtab
WHERE ( bldat = gs_outtab-bldat
AND lifnr = gs_outtab-lifnr )
itemno_acc = ????
gl_account = |{ ls_outtab-hkont ALPHA = IN }|
alloc_nmbr = ls_outtab-zuonr
costcenter = ls_outtab-kostl
item_text = ls_outtab-sgtxt
func_area = ls_outtab-fkber
) ).


I’m specting this result….

itemno_ac gl_account alloc_nmbr costcenter item_text func_area
1 xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx
2 xxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx

Kind Regards


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