How to change XKOMV-KHERK type from ‘E’ to another?

How to change XKOMV-KHERK type from ‘E’ to another?

I’m trying to change an Amount field at 


I’ve got a condition type (ZF00 ) which calculates 2.5 % of delivery cost and add it to sum, but user didn’t see the percentage at amount field.(img1)

And can’t see only after doubliclicking (img2).
As i understand it deppends on XKOMV-KHERK field.

I found it in code :

if xkomv-kherk = ‘E’.
  rv61a-zeile_leer = ‘Y’.

And if the rv61a-zeile_leer is equals to ‘X’ ‘Y’ or ‘Z’ the programm doesn’t allow to change screen.
How to change XKOMV-KHERK and save the calculation 2.5% of cost ?

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