SAP Developer News, April 18th, 2024

Podcast Version: SAP Developer News April 18th, 2024 – SAP Developers (


SAP CodeJam European Roadshow 

 SAP CodeTalk with Daniel Schlachter on the CAP plugin concept 

SAP Build Developer Challenge Week 3 Announcement 

FioriConf 2024 and SAP CodeJam – SAP Fiori elements flexible programming model 

Solution Experience Live Session: Deliver Real-World Results with SAP Business AI, April 30, 2024 



0:00 Intro 

0:07 SAP CodeJam European Roadshow  

1:04 SAP CodeTalk with Daniel Schlachter on the CAP plugin concept 

2:16 SAP Build Developer Challenge Week 3 Announcement 

3:00 FioriConf 2024 and SAP CodeJam SAP Fiori elements flexible programming model 

3:55 Solution Experience Live Session: Deliver Real-World Results with SAP Business AI, April 30, 2024 


Tom: This is the SAP Developer News for the 18th of April, 2024. Live from Amsterdam. Live from
Bucharest. Live from Leverkusen, Germany. Hey there, we’re halfway through this year’s SAP Code Jam
European Roadshow. As the little intro there demonstrated, we’ve hit three cities already, we’ve got Paris,
France, and Madrid, Spain still to go on this trip. We’ve had a wonderful time interacting with all the
community members, developers out there, introducing them to ABAP cloud as well as the SAP cloud
application programming model. And this is a great time to remind you that anybody can request and offer to
host an SAP Code Jam, we’ll do our best to accommodate and and make that possible. So if you’d like to
see next time’s road show come to an area near you, consider hosting a code jam in the future.

DJ: Recently, there’s a new plugin concept that’s been introduced in the SAP Cloud Application
programming model. On the one hand, it allows the CAP team to build out new functions and features for
CAP in a really beautifully modular way and it allows us as developers to consume those extensions and
new features also in a really beautifully simple way, often only requiring one line in our projects. It also allows
us in the community to contribute extensions to CAP as well. This is the CAP plugin concept and recently I
got the opportunity to talk about the CAP plugin concept and learn more about it from one of the enablement
team members Daniel Schlachter. It’s in a code talk format so you can consume it in video form or in audio
form in the code talk podcast. Check it out. The link is in the description.

Shrini: Hello, SAP Builders. We are already in week three of the developer challenge. And this time, we will
be diving into the theming capabilities of SAP Build. Our very own developer advocate, Rekha, has prepared
an exciting challenge that will walk you through all the different options available in the theme, style, and
layout tabs of SAP Build apps. She has also provided step-by-step instructions on how to complete the
challenge in a post. Participate in the challenge and share your screenshots, along with the hashed answers
in the reply section of this discussion in the SAP Builders group. We are eager to see your responses to this

Nico: Hi everyone, and welcome to the SAP Developer News. This is just a friendly reminder that FioriConf
2024 happens on April 24th. It’s free, live, online only, with a 100% focus on SAP Fiori. The event is
organized by SAP community members and is a great fit for everyone working with SAP Fiori, be it
developers, consultants, architects, or admins. Make sure to check out the link in the description. And
speaking of SAP Fiori, we just added a new topic to the list of available topics for SAP Code Jam events, the
SAP Fiori Elements Flexible Programming Model. Make sure to check out the link in the description if you
want to host or attend an SAP Code Jam event, and also check out the repository with the content. Hope to
see you soon. Bye.

Nora: Many partners and customers always ask me what SAP means by business AI, and what SAP’s
approach is to business AI, and how SAP can help them transform their businesses and leverage AI for their
businesses. If you also have those questions, Then listen up because SAP Learning is hosting a 16-minute
solution experience live session on the 30th of April at 1.30 Central European summertime to answer exactly
those questions. The session is suitable for all audiences as it is a get started session. And you will not only
learn about SAP’s latest innovative use cases of AI, but also understand SAP’s strategy towards business AI
and how your business can benefit from it. The speaker is no other than Dr. Philipp Herzig, our Chief AI
Officer, who will also guide you through the 2024 Q1 releases of Business AI and he will share all the know how with you that you need to stay up to date and to transform your business. So make sure you register
with the link below and sign up for the event and don’t miss out on all the insights

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