Purchase Requisition – BADI – PROCESS_ITEM – change other items as well

Dear all, 

I implement currently the BAdI ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST to update the PR-items. In my scenario it is necessary that in case of a specific change to the current item, I need to update an append-field in all other items of the PR as well.

I am not sure if this is supported by the mentioned BAdI because it is not working in the moment.

This is my coding which I call in the menthod PROCESS_ITEM.

ls_data = io_item->get_data( ).
ls_data_prev = io_item->get_previous_data( ).
lo_header = io_item->get_requisition( ).

” Check if the Material Group has been changed
CHECK ls_data-matkl NE ls_data_prev-matkl.

” Get PR-items
lt_item_obj = lo_header->get_items( ).

” Process each PR-item
LOOP AT lt_item_obj ASSIGNING <ls_item_obj>.

” Get Item-Details
ls_item = <ls_item_obj>-item->get_data( ).

” Update ZZ-Field
ls_item-zzxxx = ‘ABC’.
ls_item->set_data( ls_item ).


I get all the other items using the header-object which leads me then to the list of items and their corresponding object which I use to update the item data.

Did you already try to implement a similar requirement using this BAdI?

I tried as well using method CHECK but I guess here it is not allowed to change the items details anymore. I tried it but w/o success as well.

Thank you very much for every hint/advice

Kind regards