Seeking insights on how to compete against INFOR ERP BOD

Hello fellow community members,

I’m reaching out to tap into the collective wisdom of this group in regards to competing against Infor ERP Bod:

We’re currently in discussions with CEBI, a tier 2 automotive supplier based in Luxembourg that specializes in electrical components for cars. As we compete with Infor for their ERP solution, we’re seeking insights on how best to position SAP RISE:

Specifically, we’re interested in hearing your thoughts on:

  • Key factors that CEBI should consider when choosing between SAP and Infor BOD
  • Success stories or case studies where SAP have excelled in similar automotive environments.
  • Strategies to showcase SAP’s strengths and unique value proposition to CEBI, particularly in comparison to Infor BOD

Thank you in advance for your contributions!


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