42 Berlin Tech Education Summit – Summary


The Tech Education Summit at 42 Berlin on May 13th brought together industry leaders and policymakers to address pressing challenges in the tech job market, such as IT labor shortage, evolving AI skills landscape, and leveling the playing field for informal education.

With around 100 participants from various fields, including human resources, IT, transformation, and tech education, the conference provided a platform to exchange ideas and solutions for the future of tech education in Germany. 42 Berlin and 42 Wolfsburg are tuition-free coding schools that employ a peer-to-peer, gamified learning approach. They have successfully guided the first 100 graduated into the tech labor market. SAP is one of the founding partners of 42 Berlin and played a significant role at #42TES, with Christian Schmeichel (SVP & Chief Future of Work Officer at SAP) and Felix Sasaki (Chief Expert for Knowledge Graph and Semantic Technology to the AI Unit at SAP) participating in panel discussions. Christian addressed the Quo Vadis of IT in Germany with an eye-opening analysis of the short- and medium-term future of the IT sector in the country. Felix further presented key ideas in the ever-changing IT landscape, focusing on how software engineers can remain competitive and how companies can identify and recruit talent in a landscape increasingly shaped by AI technology.

The event also featured an SAP booth at the career fair, showcasing SAP’s commitment to shaping the future of education and supporting the next generation to learn tech skills and start their career in the SAP ecosystem.


In fact, a growing shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector is expected. According to Bitkom, there could be shortage of around 663,000 IT experts by 2040. The Tech Education Summit at 42 Berlin served as a platform to address this challenge and bring together industry leaders and policymakers.

 SAP’s involvement in the event highlighted its commitment to shaping the IT industry’s future and contributing to advancing tech education. .

Learn more about SAP University Alliances: SAP Next-Gen Community | SAP

Learn more about 42 Berlin: https://42berlin.de/de/



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