CORS error in CAP project

Hello SAP Community, 

I have been wrestling with a CORS error for a while now and have tried to comb through the community forums and sap documentation to figure it out, but just can’t get there. I am missing something.

The error I am getting is “Access to fetch at ‘https://<srv>.com/rest/corstest/go’ from origin ‘https://<app>.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.”

Here is the Github link to my CAP project:

I am not trying to run it “locally” but rather deploy the project to Cloud Foundry and run it from there.

This is a really simple application where I have set up a cds service that has a rest endpoint that simply returns “Hello, World!”. I then have an app configured with approuter that serves up a simple index.html page that calls the endpoint when the page loads. I also have xsuaa enabled for authentication purposes. I have defined CORS in the mta.yaml like this:

– name: try-cors-app
  type: approuter.nodejs
  path: app/
    keep-existing-routes: true
    disk-quota: 256M
    memory: 256M
    – name: srv-api
      group: destinations
        name: srv-api
        url: ~{srv-url}
        forwardAuthToken: true
    – name: try-cors-auth
      – uriPattern: .
          – host: “*”

Once I deploy, I can see the environment variable (under User-Provided Variables) for the app:

CORS [ { “allowedOrigin” : [ { “host” : “*” } ], “uriPattern” : “.” } ]

If you are an expert who has done this before, can you please take a look and let me know what I am missing? I would really appreciate the help.



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