How it’s like beeing a “Top ABAP Blogger”

Hey, apparently, I am one of the “Top Authors, Journalists, and Publishers covering ABAP.”
Thank you random page on the internet, what an honour! 🙂

…and to answer the question: it’s quite niece! 🙂

What top list are you on?best

A screenshot from a browser, URL is   There is a table, captioned: "ABAP Bloggers Top Authors, Journalists, and Publishers covering ABAP."  All names in the liste are blurred, except for one, with is the name of this toots author. Behind, it says and the numer 2 (indicating that 2 blogs where published).  The caption and and the line with the name are highlightend with a thin, rectangular, red frame.A screenshot from a browser, URL is There is a table, captioned: “ABAP Bloggers Top Authors, Journalists, and Publishers covering ABAP.” All names in the liste are blurred, except for one, with is the name of this toots author. Behind, it says and the numer 2 (indicating that 2 blogs where published). The caption and and the line with the name are highlightend with a thin, rectangular, red frame.

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