SAP AI Assistant Tool for On Premise Insurance Claims Management Solution



We are in the initial phases of discussing the development of a new Assistant tool for SAP Insurance Claims Management business users. Our goal is to enhance productivity and efficiency in handling claims within the insurance sector. We aim to build an on-premise UI tool that can interact with users and provide useful information, including text, audio, and video content about the product, and trigger business processes with the click of a button. For example, user types a text and on the action ‘Send’ we trigger a business event in the background. Additionally, the tool should help automate repetitive tasks and assist users in making informed business decisions by offering quick, automated support when needed.

Given our objectives, we are exploring whether SAP already has tools that we could leverage for building a framework that allows AI automated rules and business content that can be integrated with on-premise SAP solutions.

After some research, I found an article mentioning that SAP is planning to release the SAP Joule Assistant across all applications. Will SAP Joule be available for SAP for Insurance solutions as well? SAP Prepares to Add Joule Generative AI Copilot Across Its Apps

As I am new to this topic and at the beginning of my SAP AI journey, any suggestions or guidance would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


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