When a command is send to SAP like “SAPsession.FindById(“wnd[0]”).resizeWorkingPane(170, 25, False)” and an error occurs I’d like to log the error and let the script continue after user input (if needed) to fix the error. Next I want to use the Log to examine the errors and fix them.
I was thinking to do this via an additional sub that handles the sap command and catches the error like this:
Private sub resize() ‘SAPCommand to be executed
SAPCommand(SAPsession.FindById(“wnd[0]”).resizeWorkingPane(170, 25, False))
SAPCommand(SAPsession.FindById(“wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd”).text = “/nsu3”)
End Sub
Private sub SAPCommand(input) ‘//SAPCommand to be executed
Run SAPCommand
Catch ex as Exception
Log(“Error for: ” & input & vbCRLF & ex.tostring)
msgbox(“Fix the error for command: ” & input)
end try
end sub
I know the above code does not workout at all but it’s just for illustration of what I’d like to accomplish.