Appearing Custom field inputs in MIRO item level (BAdI mrm_item_custfields)

Hi Experts,

I apologize if I have not followed other thread helps and the question is repeated. 

I followed the below thread to implement the custom tab in the MIRO item level except I left or not done the append fields to RSEG table. Remaining of all the steps provided in the link are covered.

Other than my screen inputs all other values are appearing (in t_drseg_custom TYPE tdrseg_cust ). I can see my fields are there in the debugging screen but values are not passed. 

Please help me  where did I miss and how to fix this? Many thanks. 


The reason I left the RSEG part , I have a different requirement where I have to use the Fiori custom fields, which are already created in RSEG, that are to used to for saving the values. A different thread (Q&A) has been posted and waiting for response/answers.

I would be grateful if anyone address to the above as well.

Thanks for your time here.

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