2024-07 Developer Challenge – Task 0 – Server and service provisioning

This is a task in the 2024-07 “Reverse APIs” SAP Developer Challenge.

This task is start you off gently so you can become comfortable with making a simple CAP powered service available in the cloud. This is so your API endpoints within services served by a CAP server can be reached from the TESTER service and checked for “correctness” (read the main challenge blog post 2024-07 “Reverse APIs” SAP Developer Challenge for what this means).

What you need to do is simply follow the guidelines in the “Making your service available to test” in the 2024-07 “Reverse APIs” SAP Developer Challenge blog post, choosing either the “Simple deployment to BTP” approach, or the “Local deployment plus ngrok tunnel” approach, or indeed an approach of your own choosing.

In this particular “pre” task (Task 0), there’s no testing of whatever you get up and running; testing of your service endpoints starts with Task 1.

This thread is for us to discuss working through this task, to make comments and observations, and also to help each other get through the steps needed.

Optionally, once you get a simple CAP server up and running and the service URL exposed to the cloud, let us know here in the comments, share the URL, and we can test it for you!

Other than that, there’s nothing to be done, nothing specific you need to have your test service endpoint return, and there will be nothing tested. It’s just to make sure you know how to spin something up for the remaining 10 tasks.

Off you go!


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