IDoc Inbound: add dynamically new segment

Good morning,

I receive an Inbound IDoc in my SAP system in which I have classifications of an article. A very specific classification is not part of the IDoc data and I would like to be able to calculate it (from other classifications present in the IDoc) in order to update my article.

In my opinion, the ideal would be to dynamically modify the content of the incoming IDoc, but if I can just calculate and modify my article with this new classification that would already be very good.

I wanted to use the BADI IDOC_DATA_MAPPER but the segment must already exist.

I also wanted to use the EXIT_SAPLCLFM_002 (Customer Exit for Changing Classification Data Before Saving) enhancement but surprisingly it is not triggered when I use WE19.

I need clarification 🙂

Thank you in advance for your help.

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