Missing decimals with MOVE-CORRESPONDING of CURR type

I have a FM where I importing it_tab1. This it_tab1 refers to ztable1.

From other side I use a structure is_str1 that refers to standard table ztable2 with similar structure to ztable1.

Both ztable1 and ztable2 has field zfield with data type CURR (11+2).

Then i do




LOOP AT it_tab1 ASSIGNING <it_tab1>

CLEAR is_str1.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <it_tab1> TO is_str1.




And then I see in DEBUGGER that ZFIELD with same type missing decimal part.

Screenshot 2024-07-29 at 20.34.19.png

Please suggest what should be a reason of this an how to fix it?

P.S. Fixed point arithmetic flag on GF level is on.

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