I created a new CDS view with a lot of columns, but the horizontal bar not appear.
My cds:
@EndUserText.label: ‘Read-Only E2E”: Data Model Flight’
define view entity YKENJI_INFORME_RECAUDO
as select from bseg as BSEG
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 10, label: ‘CompCode’} ]
key bseg.bukrs as BUKRS,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 20, label: ‘AccDoc.’} ]
key bseg.belnr as BELNR,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 30, label: ‘Year’} ]
key bseg.gjahr as GJAHR,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 40, label: ‘Item’} ]
key bseg.buzei as BUZEI,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 50, label: ‘Currency’} ]
bseg.rfccur as rfccur,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 60, label: ‘Doc.TP’} ]
bseg.bschl as BSCHL,
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode: ‘rfccur’
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 70, label: ‘Value’} ]
bseg.wrbtr as WRBTR,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 80, label: ‘Customer’} ]
bseg.kunnr as kunnr,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 90, label: ‘Comp’} ]
bseg.augbl as AUGBL,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 100, label: ‘DtComp’} ]
bseg.augdt as augdt,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 110, label: ‘Assign’} ]
bseg.zuonr as zuonr,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 120, label: ‘Text’} ]
bseg.sgtxt as sgtxt,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 130, label: ‘Ordem’} ]
bseg.aufnr as aufnr,
@ui.lineItem: [ { position: 140, label: ‘SO’} ]
bseg.vbeln as vbeln
I created service definition and service binding, and result when executed is a list without horizontal bar.
When i click in “Show Detail” button, the scroll not appear, the other fields appear below.
How can i set my CDS as a grid with horizontal bar?