Task 4 – Implement Criticality feature and create an Object page

This is the last task of the August Developer Challenge on ABAP Core Data Services. The responses we have seen so far is excellent and appreciate each one of you in taking time to complete the challenge. We have seen some good conversations about the task and to make it more interesting let’s add some colors to the Fiori app.

In Task 4, we will explore Criticality feature and display the data record in an Object Page.

In Task 3, you have used the annotations @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition:[..] and @ObjectModel.text.element:[..] to display the Text value for the Status key. A simple way to visualize the different Status is by adding an icon and semantic colors to the Status field. This can be achieved by Criticality feature. Since we already have the Status key (O,A,X) you need to map these values to the Criticality values. This table provides the Criticality values and its color visualization :

Criticality.pngTask 4:

  1. Add the Criticality to the Status field to display the icon and color of the value should change according to the above table.

    Hint: ‘A’ –> Positive

             ‘O’ –> Critical

             ‘X’ –> Negative

    Hint: Use @ui.lineItem.criticality

  2. Create a Metadata extension file and add the required annotations to display the selected record in the Object page. The following fields should be available in the object page:
  1. Travel Id
  2. Description
  3. New field created in Task 2 – concat of Total_Price and Currency_Code
  4. Status field created in Task 3 along with Criticality representation

Reference link: https://learning.sap.com/learning-journeys/develop-sapui5-applications/using-basic-annotations-for-object-pages_c9af88ae-54a3-4fe2-a858-4f722afbee6d

Follow the instructions carefully and share with us the screenshots of the items mentioned in the ‘Validation’ section of this discussion.

Please use this separate thread to ask your questions and discuss issues.

Validation :-

Please share screenshots after performing the following :

  1. Object page displaying the details of the selected record including Criticality representation of the Status field



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