Is it Possible to Deserialize this JSON from API in ABAP

I’m calling an API that is returning JSON to ABAP that I’m having difficulty deserializing.  This is the format of the JSON that is returned by the API:

“outputs”: {
“tables”: [
  “columns”: [
  “rowLimitExceeded”: false,
  “rows”: [
“transactionNo”: “43”

I’ve created multiple versions of a deep structure in an attempt to match the JSON format, but I’m only getting the TransactionNo field to successfully deserialize.  I think it might be because this isn’t all valid JSON (the values in the columns and rows sections aren’t seperated by a colon character), but am hoping someone here can help me deserialize this using the /ui2/cl_json=>deserialize method.  If not I may have to build my own parser for this data manually.


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