Changing codepage for specific sapscript form?


I have a question regarding an assignment from a client. Somehow, when they are using Hebrew text in a sapscript form, the Hebrew text gets reversed. We made it work, and reversed it, but now it turns out sometimes the text contains both Hebrew characters and Latin alphabet characters and numbers, which makes it a lot more complex. 
We’d kind of given up on solving the problem, but there may be one more possibility, which is changing the codepage. Because very likely the Dutch codepage we are using (may be using, I am not sure actually, I’ll get back to that in a minute) doesn’t contain Hebrew characters, but maybe the Hebrew codepage does contain Latin characters. 

However, i have no idea where or how to change the codepage. I wanted to do it right before the form is called in the program, but when I google around, I mostly find things about changing the codepage in the system, which I’m not sure they would want. 
I also found this post: Solved: How to change a Code Page in SAP SCRIPT ? – SAP Community. Here they mention “In unicode there is only one internal codepage, which contains all special characters of the individual languages.”. And I looked at our system, and it’s unicode. So that would mean that it already contains the Hebrew codepage as well, right? So changing it, even if I knew how to, wouldn’t be of use because it’s already there. 

Could someone confirm that that is right? And if it is not (or if it is), could someone maybe tell me what else I could do? 

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