CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF hex value 0d not printed in adobe form QR code


Our Invoice form has a QR code and CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF is concatenated to the barcode string to trigger a carriage return and line feed in between the barcode fields.

On debug mode CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF shows hexadecimal value 0D000A00 and it is still present in the concatenated string (hex value = 0033003100300D000A00390032003), but when the QR code printed on the PDF form is scanned, only 0A00 or 0a is captured (attached screenshot of scanned value and converted to hex value).  I tried to separate CR and LF by concatenating CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF(1) and CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF+1(1), scan result shows hex value 0a 0a.   Barcode was scanned using a barcode tester software (where we get the converted hex value) and by RF scanner (expected result 2 blank lines in between values but actual result is just 1 blank line in between). 

We have a legacy form printed from a non-SAP application with the same QR code, the scanned hex value has 0d 0a, this is from the same barcode test software.

I hope somebody can help me on this. Thanks in advance!

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