Share your insights from the SAP Transformation Excellence Summits 2024

Dear community members, 

With the upcoming SAP Transformation Excellence Summits that are taking place in Gold Coast (ongoing this week), Chicago (Sept 16-18), and Frankfurt (Oct 7-9), it’s a perfect opportunity for us to gather your overall experience and thoughts on the things you learned at the summit.  

Whether you attended one of the events in person or participated virtually, we’d love to hear your impressions. Here are a few guiding questions to spark the discussions: 

  • What were some key takeaways or standout sessions for you? 
  • How do you think the insights shared can be applied to drive business transformation within your organization? 
  • Did you network with any interesting peers or experts who provided new perspectives? 
  • Were there any particular technologies or strategies presented that caught your attention? 
  • How do you envision the future of business transformation after attending the summit? 

Your shared experiences and insights can be incredibly valuable for our community. Looking forward to reading your comments! 


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