Build Failing with Client runtime version 4.11.167

Hi Experts,

We are developing an build app for a extension scenario in SAP Service Cloud V2.

When we try to build the app either as ZIP or MTAR, we see build fails with below error.

“buildId”: “37949”,
“appId”: “137347”,
“buildLogError”: “AB version: 2.13.4nCOMMAND: nnNODE_OPTIONS=–max-old-space-size=12240 NEXT_SUPPORT_RELATIVE_PATHS=true npxrnv export -p web -s standalone_mtar -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r nnFAILED with ERROR: nnCommand failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p web -s standalone_mtar -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r”





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