How to build a solid Asset Care Plan utilizing SAP S/4HANA Maintenance Management, SAP Asset Performance Management (SAP APM) and AsInt Asset Integellince Suite (AIS).
The aim is always to have an integrated cost and risk optimized business processes for building a solid asset care plan. It normally always starts from the foundation to build strategies utilizing RCM, RBI and SIS methodologies. But it also includes reviewing all the planned equipment activities, tasks and recommendations, optimizing them across the functional system, and then integrating them over the full life cycle of the asset (may be at least for 15-20 years period). Through this process, a long-term optimized asset care plan can be defined.
This will allow an asset to achieve:
- A competitive overall cost of asset care
- Simplified scoping processes for maintenance, turnarounds and outages
- Better integration with business planning and other enterprise functions
- A more effective continuous improvement process
To manage different risk impacts on safety, health, environmental, production, quality and business risk, first identification and coverage of asset in scope becomes a paramount consideration in the overall development of sustainable short-, medium- and long-term asset care plan and strategy. The intent of the plan is to define the mitigating tasks that when executed will delivery competitive reliability within the cost targets.
1 Activity Description
The activity of asset care planning is to define a set of recurring and structured activities carried out by the Maintenance and Turnarounds, Operations and Integrity teams to optimise equipment care tasks that will improve and maintain Asset performance. These activities can be grouped into:
- Asset Care Plan development: defining, optimising and updating the equipment care plans
- an annual strategy review: ensuring alignment between the Asset long-term plan and the equipment care plans. Note: this is input into the annual business planning cycle
- input to turnaround and maintenance scope: using the equipment care plans as input to scope for turnaround and maintenance events
- continuous improvement: using the information from operation, monitoring, maintenance and inspection of the equipment to improve and update equipment care plans.
1.1 Asset Care Plan Development
Whilst there can be one team or persona that is the owner of the Asset Care Plan and is accountable for its development and updates, the Engineering disciplines, Process Engineers, Operations, Maintenance and Turnaround teams are responsible for the development of long-term optimised equipment care plans. The Reliability Engineer is responsible for the coordination and facilitation of the Asset Care Plan development and update activities.
The equipment care plans include all the preventive maintenance tasks, which are defined by Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM), risk-based inspection (RBI) and safety instrumented systems (SIS) methodologies. Planned work from Mechanical integrity (Ml) programmes such as Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI), dead legs, etc. should also be part of the plans. The plans should:
- optimise the long-term cost of ownership of the equipment (life cycle cost)
- manage and mitigate the risks related to the equipment
- consider the optimal interval and timing for execution of the tasks.
The equipment care plans of an Asset should enable the optimisation of overall maintenance spend and competitive. There are majorly two groups of scope that the Reliability and Engineering Team should review as part of the scope strategy development:
- Preventive maintenance Scope (T/A and non-T/A)
- Projects, Plant Changes (MOCs) and Corrective maintenance.
1.1.1 Preventive Maintenance Scope
The base scope is the set of preventive tasks needed to maintain the equipment and system functions. It includes the tasks and strategy tasks delivered by the key methodologies (RCM, RBI, SIS), Mechanical Integrity programmes and end of life refurbishments or replacements driven activities.
The base scope should be optimised at the equipment, functional system (systems and sub-systems and Asset levels). The optimisation of the equipment care plans includes the type of task, frequency, timing of execution and strategic grouping of tasks to simplify execution for reasons of geographic location, opportunity to equipment downtime, route and other factors that could impact cost or implementation.
1.1.2 Projects, Plant Changes (MOCs) and Corrective Maintenance
In addition to base scope of Preventive Maintenance, scope from Projects, Plant Changes (Management of Change) and Corrective Maintenance should be included in the analysis to provide complete picture of maintenance spend and allows the cost optimization for the Asset. Normally annual spend for these categories and scope should be forecasted or estimated by the responsible team.
The team should identify the plant changes and projects that will be executed based on the opportunities, plans, threats and risk. An estimated scope, cost and implementation timing for this should be included in the maintenance spend profile. This should also consider the corrective maintenance on-the-run and turnaround estimates.
1.2 Annual Strategy Review
To ensure effective alignment between the maintenance strategy and the implementation/execution plan following activities should be considered and conducted annually by the team:
- Review and update the asset level optimization. This review can include
- Past maintenance history review with cost
- Review the condition or ability to achieve planned operational runtime
- Update maintenance spend forecast including Projects, MOCs and Corrective Maintenance
- Identify optimization opportunities and provide input for business plan
- Utilize the equipment care plans to develop the budgets for business planning
- Update the Strategic Asset Management Plan as needed
1.3 Input to Turnaround scope
The activity describes input to the turnaround process for work scope development and optimization. Very clear and fluid communication and coordination with the turnaround team is very essential. The risk-based equipment care plans should be used as the starting list of tasks to be executed for any turnaround or planned outage. In addition to defined asset care plans, the list of corrective maintenance jobs, plant changes and projects should also be collected by the responsible team in preparation of the turnaround scope optimization. While the discipline engineer is responsible for the correct and full definition of the respective scopes, the reliability/integrity engineer in support of turnaround team coordinates the collection of activities and ensure consistency and completeness of the data submitted. This includes
- Job description with details such as resource estimates, costs information,
- Risk assessment to justify the task
- Justification to execute the task in a turnaround
- Task justification whether its mandatory, plant change, MOCs etc.
- Rough cost estimates for base scope items
1.4 Continuous Improvement
As the operating context changes, the team will need to review the equipment care plans continuously to ensure that they remain effective and optimized. These activities will define changes in the tasks that need to be considered on a higher level to ensure the Asset Care Plan remains optimal. The reliability/integrity engineer should identify other affected areas, equipment and system and leas the necessary updates.
The key elements to maintain optimized equipment care plans are:
- Changes to Equipment care plans: The discipline engineer define the changes to the equipment care plans to improve and adapt them as needed. When this happens, the modifications should be review in context of the equipment, functional system and asset strategy to identify what other tasks or equipment could be affected
- Post-outage review: After an outage or Turnaround, the discipline engineers should review the equipment care plans and update them as necessary. The focus of this review is the findings and learnings from the event inspections that were not expected based on the current care plans
- RCM, RBI and SIS updates: Changes are also expected from the scheduled reviews of the asset strategy methodologies and programmes. The reliability/integrity engineer should incorporate the changes and identify additional work needed to update the asset strategy
1.5 Key Roles and Responsibilities
There can be multiple roles or personas involved with very specific responsibilities in the overall end to end management of building and sustaining the Asset care plans and strategy.
The major roles can be:
- Site Leadership Reliability and Maintenance Team
- Engineering Manager
- Operations Manage/Productions Manager
- Reliability/Integrity/Discipline Engineer
- Process Engineer/Technologists
- Operations staff: Field Operators, Maintenance Technicians and Inspectors
- Maintenance and Turnarounds staff
If you have any queries or recommendations about the subject, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment and inform me or @RohanPatel . Your input is highly valued and will aid me in deciding which topics to include in my upcoming blog series. Thank you for your support!