Material Requirement planning views in Material Master.

MRP views are maintained mostly for production purposes. This information is supplied by
the appropriate MRP controller or someone else from production planning team. The only
mandatory field in MRP 1 View is Planning type. 

MRP 1 View 


ABC indicator – This is an indicator showing the importance of the material in terms of
stock availability. Most of the companies use several ABC values, but most common
are: A – the most important materials, they need to be available for sales in every
moment customer requests it, B – less important materials that are often supposed to
available but the lack of this material can happen and is allowed, C – Least important
materials. There can also be few more categories, N – new, material not yet tested on
market, so we don’t actually know if it’s going to be A, B or C yet. S – material that is
produced only on customer request, and D – same as S with the difference that it has a
certain quantity on stock just in case someone needs it ASAP, in production planning it
called a material safety stock.
MRP type – There are various types of MRP that can be utilized. In this case, our MRP
controller signaled that it should be PD – default MRP for most of the SAP installations
MRP controller – MRP controller responsible for production of this material, he manage
all the data in these MRP views along with the MRP results itself production planning
even in some organizational structures MRP controllers are maintaining these views on
their own.
Lot size – Defines the procedure used by the system in order to calculate the procurement
or production quantity of the material. 

MRP 2 View 

MRP view 2 contains data about Procurement and Scheduling.


Procurement type – Here you can choose if your material has internal production (our
case), external procurement, or both types of procurements are possible. It also might
have procurement at all.
Production storage location – here you will maintain the storage location that is copied
throughout the production documents. If this is a production component this marks the
location from which the goods issue is posted, or if it’s produced material it annotates a
location to which the material receipt is posted.
Goods Receipt Processing Time in Days – you can set up this value that represents
needed time in days for goods to be inspected and placed into appropriate storage

MRP 3 View 

MRP view 3 contains several valuable fields mostly used by planning functions


Period indicator – Indicates if material is to be planned/forecast monthly, weekly, yearly
daily etc. This is in most cases set to monthly.
Strategy group – used for grouping the planning strategies, for example, this can be se
Make to Order, Make to Stock etc. There are a number of options, and this must be
defined by the production planning management. In most cases, material types and/or
material ABC classification influences the decision which strategy group material shou
be assigned.
Consumption mode – this controls how system will consume requirements. In backway
mode sales, orders, dependent requirements or material reservations consume planned
independent requirements that lie before the requirements date while in forward mode
they consume planned independent requirements that lie after the requirements date.
Forward consumption period: number of day used as a consumption threshold in
forward consumption mode. Can be set from 1 to 999 days but usually not longer than
several days. We are using 0 since we are utilizing backward consumption mode for the
Backward consumption period – Same as previous except it is used for backward
consumption mode.
Mixed MRP – defines if material is available for subassembly planning and gross
requirements planning.

MRP 4 View 


Selection method – if you are using BOMs (Bill Of Materials) for your production, you
could govern with the selection of alternative BOMs with this field. You can set selection
type by order quantity, production version, explosion date.
Discontinued indicator – you can select the indicator for discontinued part as per






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