Reverting Container to the latest published version CLEARS ALL COMPONENTS of my app

My app BirdSoundFinland (106287) is built with Appgyver and is quite large, up to 250 pages. After a successful build last July I have recently made several attempts to get a successful build (update) using the latest Runtime version 4.11.167, but without success.

Here in the community somebody had got a successful build after reverting all components to the latest published version. I managed to do the same until I came to the CONTAINER. Reverting this component CLEARED ALL THE CONTENTS OF MY APP! Of course I didn’t save the app at this point.

After this I still tried to get a build but it ended with error.

I also tried to get a build with a copy of the bundle, the one which was successful in July, without installing components to the latest published verson, but it also ended with error.

Now I don’t know what to do. Please help!


Below you find the latest error report:

AB version: 2.13.5

NODE_OPTIONS=–max-old-space-size=16000 USER_METERING_ENABLED=true SHOW_SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_NOTIFICATION=false SUBSCRIPTION_VERIFICATION_NOTIFICATION_DISMISSIBLE=true npxrnv export -p android -s standalone_bundle -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r


Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p android -s standalone_bundle -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r

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