I have a problem with my firefighters, System GRC 10.1 (SAP_BASIS 731 SP 8 – SAPKB73108), the error is as follows:
- I can access to GRC with the user account
- Execute GRAC-EAM tcode
- When I start session and writes the reason and the activities and press OK button (check), in the status bar of the sap gui appears: “The name or password is incorrect (repeat the login process)”
- Things already validated:
- The Firefighter account is not locked and not disabled
- The Firefighter account has activities (02, 05) in S_USER_GRP object
- The iDoc of user clon is sent to satellite system
- The iDoc of user clon is processed by satellite system
- There are no dumps about this neither in GRC nor ECC
- The GRAC JOBS have run well
Finally the SAP note 1944417 describes my problem, but does not have a solution for me because the solution is just for SAPKB73105.
This is affecting all firefighters used in the company, hope some one could help me.
Thanks in advanced