How do you want to find out about SAP BTP news and innovations? We want to know!

Hi SAP BTP enthusiasts! 

As 2024 comes to an end (yes, we still have a few months left, but we all know how time flies in Q4), we are reflecting on and taking stock of how we have engaged with you, our community, throughout the year.

Why, you ask? Well, it’s not just out of pure nostalgia…We have an ulterior motive: start content planning for 2025 and get your inputs as early as possible!  How do you want to stay informed about #SAPBTP and engage with experts (virtual and in-person events aside 😉)?

To give you some context, this year we’ve had a mix of live sessions, recorded videos and podcasts, each serving a different purpose. Some examples below:

Our questions to you:

  1. Have you enjoyed any or all of these formats? If so, which ones would you like us to continue in 2025?
  2. Is there another way you’d like to us to share news and content about SAP BTP?
  3. Is there a specific SAP BTP related topic you want to find out more about?
  4. Do you enjoy live sessions where you can ask questions or do you prefer to consume content on-demand?

Let us know! We want to make next year, the best year 🙂