ABAP workbench,
Hello all, when i am trying to open SE80 continuously the error message (short dump) is coming. what should i do?
Hello all, when i am trying to open SE80 continuously the error message (short dump) is coming. what should i do?
As a Consultant, I bring a wealth of expertise in SAP modules, including SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), CS (Customer Service), RAR (Revenue Accounting and Reporting), and TM (Transportation Management). I am a SAP Certified Application Associate specializing in SAP S/4HANA Sales, which underscores my deep understanding and proficiency in this domain. My professional journey …
As a Consultant, I bring a wealth of expertise in SAP modules, including SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), CS (Customer Service), RAR (Revenue Accounting and Reporting), and TM (Transportation Management). I am a SAP Certified Application Associate specializing in SAP S/4HANA Sales, which underscores my deep understanding and proficiency in this domain. My professional journey …
Thanks, for invitation. I’m excited to continue to envolve in SAP.
FIXED ASSET – Extract ANLZ Time-Dependent Asset Allocations Data in CSV File Using ABAP Program For Selected Cost Center ABAP Program – Z_ANLZ_FIXEDASSET Program Type – ABAP ABAP Program Name – Z_ANLZ_FIXEDASSET Tcode – ZHM_ANLZ_A Output File Location – “C:tmp” Output File Name- ANLZ.CSV Output File Type – CSV (Column with Semicolon separator (;) SAP …
FIXED ASSET – Extract ANLZ Time-Dependent Asset Allocations Data in CSV File Using ABAP Program For Selected Cost Center ABAP Program – Z_ANLZ_FIXEDASSET Program Type – ABAP ABAP Program Name – Z_ANLZ_FIXEDASSET Tcode – ZHM_ANLZ_A Output File Location – “C:tmp” Output File Name- ANLZ.CSV Output File Type – CSV (Column with Semicolon separator (;) SAP …
fields have been picked up from LIPS table and passed into the BAPI Facing issue when article is of MIX Quantity. Providing some snippets of the code: FETCHING DATA FROM LIPS table SELECT deliverydocument, “vbeln deliverydocumentitem, “posnr material, “matnr plant, “werks actualdeliveryquantity, “lfimg* baseunit, “meins deliveryquantityunit, “vrkme referencesddocument, “vgbel referencesddocumentitem, “vgpos goodsmovementstatus “wbsta FROM i_deliverydocumentitem AS a “lips FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @dlv_hdr WHERE a~deliverydocument = @dlv_hdr–deliverydocument INTO TABLE @DATA(dlv_item_final). PASSING DATA INTO BAPI LOOP AT dlv_item_final ASSIGNING <lfs_item> FROM item_indx. IF <lfs_item>–deliverydocument NE <lfs_dlv_hdr>–deliverydocument. EXIT. ENDIF. APPEND VALUE #( material = <lfs_item>–material plant = <lfs_item>–plant no_more_gr = abap_true mvt_ind = movement_indicator move_type = movement_type_gr entry_qnt = <lfs_item>–actualdeliveryquantity entry_uom = <lfs_item>–deliveryquantityunit* entry_uom_iso = <lfs_item>-baseunit po_number = <lfs_item>–referencesddocument po_item = <lfs_item>–referencesddocumentitem+1(5)* ref_doc = <lfs_item>-referencesddocument ref_doc_it = <lfs_item>–referencesddocumentitem+1(5) deliv_numb = <lfs_item>–deliverydocument deliv_item = <lfs_item>–deliverydocumentitem deliv_numb_to_search = <lfs_item>–deliverydocument deliv_item_to_search = <lfs_item>–deliverydocumentitem ) TO goodsmvt_item. ENDLOOP. IF goodsmvt_item IS NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE’ EXPORTING goodsmvt_header = goodsmvt_header goodsmvt_code = goodsmvt_code IMPORTING materialdocument = materialdocument matdocumentyear = matdocumentyear TABLES goodsmvt_item = goodsmvt_item return = return. READ TABLE return WITH KEY type = ‘E’ TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy–subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK’. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT’ EXPORTING wait = abap_true. ENDIF. Facing issue when article is of MIX Quantity. Please can someone help to resolve …
fields have been picked up from LIPS table and passed into the BAPI Facing issue when article is of MIX Quantity. Providing some snippets of the code: FETCHING DATA FROM LIPS table SELECT deliverydocument, “vbeln deliverydocumentitem, “posnr material, “matnr plant, “werks actualdeliveryquantity, “lfimg* baseunit, “meins deliveryquantityunit, “vrkme referencesddocument, “vgbel referencesddocumentitem, “vgpos goodsmovementstatus “wbsta FROM i_deliverydocumentitem AS a “lips FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @dlv_hdr WHERE a~deliverydocument = @dlv_hdr–deliverydocument INTO TABLE @DATA(dlv_item_final). PASSING DATA INTO BAPI LOOP AT dlv_item_final ASSIGNING <lfs_item> FROM item_indx. IF <lfs_item>–deliverydocument NE <lfs_dlv_hdr>–deliverydocument. EXIT. ENDIF. APPEND VALUE #( material = <lfs_item>–material plant = <lfs_item>–plant no_more_gr = abap_true mvt_ind = movement_indicator move_type = movement_type_gr entry_qnt = <lfs_item>–actualdeliveryquantity entry_uom = <lfs_item>–deliveryquantityunit* entry_uom_iso = <lfs_item>-baseunit po_number = <lfs_item>–referencesddocument po_item = <lfs_item>–referencesddocumentitem+1(5)* ref_doc = <lfs_item>-referencesddocument ref_doc_it = <lfs_item>–referencesddocumentitem+1(5) deliv_numb = <lfs_item>–deliverydocument deliv_item = <lfs_item>–deliverydocumentitem deliv_numb_to_search = <lfs_item>–deliverydocument deliv_item_to_search = <lfs_item>–deliverydocumentitem ) TO goodsmvt_item. ENDLOOP. IF goodsmvt_item IS NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE’ EXPORTING goodsmvt_header = goodsmvt_header goodsmvt_code = goodsmvt_code IMPORTING materialdocument = materialdocument matdocumentyear = matdocumentyear TABLES goodsmvt_item = goodsmvt_item return = return. READ TABLE return WITH KEY type = ‘E’ TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy–subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK’. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT’ EXPORTING wait = abap_true. ENDIF. Facing issue when article is of MIX Quantity. Please can someone help to resolve …
Hi everyone, Greetings..!! I am Hareshwar Reddy, with 13 years of experience in Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) management across multiple sectors, including construction, manufacturing, power, chemicals, and training domains. I have recently transitioned into SAP EHS and am now seeking a suitable role where I can leverage my expertise to drive impactful improvements and …
Introducing Myself – Exploring Opportunities in SAP EHS Read More »
Hi everyone, Greetings..!! I am Hareshwar Reddy, with 13 years of experience in Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) management across multiple sectors, including construction, manufacturing, power, chemicals, and training domains. I have recently transitioned into SAP EHS and am now seeking a suitable role where I can leverage my expertise to drive impactful improvements and …
Introducing Myself – Exploring Opportunities in SAP EHS Read More »