Help needed
Anbody a solution to question 1 + 5
Anbody a solution to question 1 + 5
Good morning, My name is Dimitrios, and I’m excited to be a part of this SAP Learning Community! Looking forward to learning and growing with all of you! Best regards, Dimitrios
Hello everyone, this is my first blog post in the SAP Beginner Corner! I’m excited to embark on this journey and look forward to engaging discussions and exchanging valuable insights with all of you. Best regards,Ergys
Hello everyone, this is my first blog post in the SAP Beginner Corner! I’m excited to embark on this journey and look forward to engaging discussions and exchanging valuable insights with all of you. Best regards,Ergys
Hi, I have this ABAP code with me: Please help to resolve this issue, required images are provided at the end. REPORT ztest_009. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–001. PARAMETERS: p_radio1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1 DEFAULT ‘X’ USER-COMMAND rad, p_radio2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–002. PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE localfile. PARAMETERS: p_run AS CHECKBOX.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘F4_FILENAME’ IMPORTING file_name = p_file. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. IF p_radio1 = ‘X’ AND p_file IS INITIAL. MESSAGE ‘Please upload Excel File for excecution’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: vend_data_t TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, vend_data_s TYPE ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, filename TYPE rlgrap–filename, display_errors_t TYPE TABLE OF string, display_errors_s TYPE string, excel_t TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline, excel_s TYPE alsmex_tabline, lt_output TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, lt_duplicate_check TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr.* split_lifnr TYPE char10. filename = p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE’ EXPORTING filename = filename i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 2 i_end_col = 5 i_end_row = 1000 TABLES intern = excel_t* EXCEPTIONS* INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS = 1* UPLOAD_OLE = 2* OTHERS = 3 . IF sy–subrc <> 0.* Implement suitable error handling here MESSAGE: ‘upload excel’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. CLEAR: excel_s. LOOP AT excel_t INTO excel_s. CASE excel_s–col. WHEN 1. vend_data_s–lifnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 2. vend_data_s–ltsnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 3. vend_data_s–zind = excel_s–value. WHEN 4. IF excel_s–value IS NOT INITIAL. SPLIT excel_s–value AT ‘.’ INTO DATA(day) DATA(month) DATA(year). vend_data_s–zvalfrom = year && month && day. ” Convert to YYYYMMDD ENDIF. WHEN 5. IF excel_s–value = ‘X’. DELETE FROM ztmd_lve_ven_vsr WHERE lifnr = vend_data_s–lifnr AND ltsnr = vend_data_s–ltsnr. ENDIF. ENDCASE. APPEND vend_data_s TO vend_data_t. CLEAR: vend_data_s. ENDLOOP. Facing issues as data is mismatched in uploaded excel file and my internal table vend_data_t. Uploaded excel …
Hi, I have this ABAP code with me: Please help to resolve this issue, required images are provided at the end. REPORT ztest_009. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–001. PARAMETERS: p_radio1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1 DEFAULT ‘X’ USER-COMMAND rad, p_radio2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–002. PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE localfile. PARAMETERS: p_run AS CHECKBOX.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘F4_FILENAME’ IMPORTING file_name = p_file. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. IF p_radio1 = ‘X’ AND p_file IS INITIAL. MESSAGE ‘Please upload Excel File for excecution’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: vend_data_t TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, vend_data_s TYPE ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, filename TYPE rlgrap–filename, display_errors_t TYPE TABLE OF string, display_errors_s TYPE string, excel_t TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline, excel_s TYPE alsmex_tabline, lt_output TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, lt_duplicate_check TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr.* split_lifnr TYPE char10. filename = p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE’ EXPORTING filename = filename i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 2 i_end_col = 5 i_end_row = 1000 TABLES intern = excel_t* EXCEPTIONS* INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS = 1* UPLOAD_OLE = 2* OTHERS = 3 . IF sy–subrc <> 0.* Implement suitable error handling here MESSAGE: ‘upload excel’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. CLEAR: excel_s. LOOP AT excel_t INTO excel_s. CASE excel_s–col. WHEN 1. vend_data_s–lifnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 2. vend_data_s–ltsnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 3. vend_data_s–zind = excel_s–value. WHEN 4. IF excel_s–value IS NOT INITIAL. SPLIT excel_s–value AT ‘.’ INTO DATA(day) DATA(month) DATA(year). vend_data_s–zvalfrom = year && month && day. ” Convert to YYYYMMDD ENDIF. WHEN 5. IF excel_s–value = ‘X’. DELETE FROM ztmd_lve_ven_vsr WHERE lifnr = vend_data_s–lifnr AND ltsnr = vend_data_s–ltsnr. ENDIF. ENDCASE. APPEND vend_data_s TO vend_data_t. CLEAR: vend_data_s. ENDLOOP. Facing issues as data is mismatched in uploaded excel file and my internal table vend_data_t. Uploaded excel …
Hi, I have this ABAP code with me: Please help to resolve this issue, required images are provided at the end. REPORT ztest_009. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–001. PARAMETERS: p_radio1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1 DEFAULT ‘X’ USER-COMMAND rad, p_radio2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT–002. PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE localfile. PARAMETERS: p_run AS CHECKBOX.SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘F4_FILENAME’ IMPORTING file_name = p_file. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. IF p_radio1 = ‘X’ AND p_file IS INITIAL. MESSAGE ‘Please upload Excel File for excecution’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: vend_data_t TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, vend_data_s TYPE ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, filename TYPE rlgrap–filename, display_errors_t TYPE TABLE OF string, display_errors_s TYPE string, excel_t TYPE TABLE OF alsmex_tabline, excel_s TYPE alsmex_tabline, lt_output TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr, lt_duplicate_check TYPE TABLE OF ztmd_lve_ven_vsr.* split_lifnr TYPE char10. filename = p_file. CALL FUNCTION ‘ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE’ EXPORTING filename = filename i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 2 i_end_col = 5 i_end_row = 1000 TABLES intern = excel_t* EXCEPTIONS* INCONSISTENT_PARAMETERS = 1* UPLOAD_OLE = 2* OTHERS = 3 . IF sy–subrc <> 0.* Implement suitable error handling here MESSAGE: ‘upload excel’ TYPE ‘E’. ENDIF. CLEAR: excel_s. LOOP AT excel_t INTO excel_s. CASE excel_s–col. WHEN 1. vend_data_s–lifnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 2. vend_data_s–ltsnr = excel_s–value. WHEN 3. vend_data_s–zind = excel_s–value. WHEN 4. IF excel_s–value IS NOT INITIAL. SPLIT excel_s–value AT ‘.’ INTO DATA(day) DATA(month) DATA(year). vend_data_s–zvalfrom = year && month && day. ” Convert to YYYYMMDD ENDIF. WHEN 5. IF excel_s–value = ‘X’. DELETE FROM ztmd_lve_ven_vsr WHERE lifnr = vend_data_s–lifnr AND ltsnr = vend_data_s–ltsnr. ENDIF. ENDCASE. APPEND vend_data_s TO vend_data_t. CLEAR: vend_data_s. ENDLOOP. Facing issues as data is mismatched in uploaded excel file and my internal table vend_data_t. Uploaded excel …
Hello everyone, this is my first blog post in the SAP Beginner Corner! I’m excited to embark on this journey and look forward to engaging discussions and exchanging valuable insights with all of you. Best regards,Ergys
Hello @David_Chaviano, I finished learning a while ago and sent the screenshots twice over email and didn’t get any replies till now and we are approaching the deadline.
Hello @David_Chaviano, I finished learning a while ago and sent the screenshots twice over email and didn’t get any replies till now and we are approaching the deadline.