The Eclipse (version June 2023 release) is showing an error on the below CDS syntax, unable to save/activate it in our ECC_System_1, but same code is saving/activating fine in S/4_System_2. The error red mark I am seeing at LEFT and RIGHT syntax in CASE statement, if I remove the whole CASE statement then its saving/activating fine
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: ‘SHP data extract’
define view ZSD_SHP_EXTRACT as select from prps
inner join proj as proj on proj.pspnr = prps.psphi
key prps.pspnr as pspnr,
prps.objnr as OBJNR,
case left( prps.objnr, 2 )
when ‘PR’ then right( prps.objnr, 8 )
else ”
end as WBS,
prps.prart as prart,
prps.psphi as psphi,
proj.pspid as pspid