SCMS_BINARY_TO_TEXT with trailing spaces

Hello team , 

My requirement is to use an enhancement to send DME file from SAP to FTP server.

I get the data in format   tab_x1   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF x_linetype1.

When I try to download in desktop using below , I get correct out put and with proper trailing spaces and format.

CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
      bin_filesize         filesize
      filename             filename_string
      filetype             ‘BIN’
      NO_AUTH_CHECK        ‘X’
      filelength           after_download_length
      data_tab             tab_x
      file_not_found       91
      file_write_error     92
      filesize_not_allowed 93
      invalid_type         95
      no_batch             96
      OTHERS               97.
  hlp_file_exit filename.  

My requirement is to share the same file to FTP . In order to do this , I have to convert the file data tab_x1 into readable format using FM ‘SCMS_BINARY_TO_TEXT’

             line TYPE bapiascont,
           END OF ty_cont,

DATA : lt_cont type table of ty_cont

          input_length = lv_inlen
          binary_tab   = tab_x1
          text_tab     = lt_cont
          failed       = 1
          OTHERS       2.


After which data is passed to FTP FM  FTP_R3_TO_SERVER 

            handle         = lv_hdl
            fname          = lv_path
            character_mode = ‘C’
            text           = lt_cont
            tcpip_error    = 1
            command_error  = 2
            data_error     = 3
            OTHERS         4.
        IF sysubrc <> 0.  


After this I get the file my folder . But my trailing spaces are not reflected. Can anyone please help me and suggest a how to keep the trailing spaces .


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