こんにちは ①債務計上(FB60)→②自動支払処理(F110)にて、 伝票は選択されるものの、源泉徴収税が自動計算されない事態が発生しています。 (マニュアル支払(F-25)では問題なかったのですが、なぜか自動支払処理ではうまくいかないのです。)
こんにちは ①債務計上(FB60)→②自動支払処理(F110)にて、 伝票は選択されるものの、源泉徴収税が自動計算されない事態が発生しています。 (マニュアル支払(F-25)では問題なかったのですが、なぜか自動支払処理ではうまくいかないのです。)
Hi, I want to ensure that I can apply for FREE SAP Certification if I finish one of the learning journeys before 1 Dec 2024. I am a women, left IT career few years back and want to resume it again. Do I need to apply anywhere for availing it? I have SAP Universal ID …
Welcome to the ASUE SAP Training Program Learning Room! This space is dedicated to students participating in the SAP training program at ASUE. Here, you can: 🗨️ Post your questions about the training material. 💡Share your feedback to help us improve the learning experience. 🤝Engage with peers and instructors to deepen your understanding of the …
Welcome to the ASUE SAP Training Program Learning Room! This space is dedicated to students participating in the SAP training program at ASUE. Here, you can: 🗨️ Post your questions about the training material. 💡Share your feedback to help us improve the learning experience. 🤝Engage with peers and instructors to deepen your understanding of the …
Hi all,I created a report that shows attachments with cl_gui_html_viewer.If I run the report from gui it works. If I call the report via Tcode from Fiori launchpad it doesn’t display anything I attach code Thanks *&———————————————————————**& Report ZVIEW_ALLEGATI*&———————————————————————**&*&———————————————————————*REPORT zview_allegati. DATA: okcode TYPE sy–ucomm, va_nomefile TYPE string, ca_initial_dir TYPE string, g_custom_container3 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, o_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer, va_curr_url TYPE url. START-OF-SELECTION. IF 1 = 2. ENDIF. CALL SCREEN 2050. END-OF-SELECTION.*&———————————————————————**& Module STATUS_2050 OUTPUT*&———————————————————————**&*&———————————————————————*MODULE status_2050 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS ‘ZSTANDARD’. SET TITLEBAR ‘ZSTANDARD’. IF NOT va_nomefile IS INITIAL. PERFORM create_object2 . ENDIF. IF va_nomefile IS INITIAL. PERFORM refresh_object. ENDIF. ENDMODULE.*&———————————————————————**& Module USER_COMMAND_2050 INPUT*&———————————————————————** text*———————————————————————-*MODULE user_command_2050 INPUT. CASE okcode. WHEN ‘&F03’ OR ‘&F15’ OR ‘&F12’. PERFORM exit_program. WHEN ‘BROWSE’. PERFORM browse_for_file USING TEXT–001 CHANGING va_nomefile. WHEN ‘ERASE’. CLEAR va_nomefile. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE.*&———————————————————————**& Form exit_program*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> p1 text*& <– p2 text*&———————————————————————*FORM exit_program . IF NOT o_viewer IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD o_viewer->close_document EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. CALL METHOD o_viewer->free EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDIF. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.ENDFORM.*&———————————————————————**& Form browse_for_file*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> TEXT_001*& <– VA_NOMEFILE*&———————————————————————*FORM browse_for_file USING p_text CHANGING p_nomefile. DATA: tb_l_files TYPE filetable, vn_l_rc TYPE i. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = p_text* default_extension =* default_filename =* file_filter =* with_encoding = initial_directory = ca_initial_dir multiselection = ‘ ‘ CHANGING file_table = tb_l_files rc = vn_l_rc* user_action =* file_encoding = EXCEPTIONS file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy–subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. READ TABLE tb_l_files INDEX 1 ASSIGNING FIELD–SYMBOL(<r_l_files>). IF sy–subrc = 0 AND <r_l_files> IS ASSIGNED. p_nomefile = <r_l_files>. ENDIF. CLEAR: sy–subrc. UNASSIGN: <r_l_files>. ENDFORM.*&———————————————————————**& Form create_object2*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> p1 text*& <– p2 text*&———————————————————————*FORM create_object2 . IF NOT va_nomefile IS INITIAL. IF NOT g_custom_container3 IS INITIAL. PERFORM refresh_object. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container3 EXPORTING container_name = ‘CONTAINER2’* ADD EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 OTHERS = 6. …
CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER does not work when called in flowers app Read More »
Hi all,I created a report that shows attachments with cl_gui_html_viewer.If I run the report from gui it works. If I call the report via Tcode from Fiori launchpad it doesn’t display anything I attach code Thanks *&———————————————————————**& Report ZVIEW_ALLEGATI*&———————————————————————**&*&———————————————————————*REPORT zview_allegati. DATA: okcode TYPE sy–ucomm, va_nomefile TYPE string, ca_initial_dir TYPE string, g_custom_container3 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, o_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer, va_curr_url TYPE url. START-OF-SELECTION. IF 1 = 2. ENDIF. CALL SCREEN 2050. END-OF-SELECTION.*&———————————————————————**& Module STATUS_2050 OUTPUT*&———————————————————————**&*&———————————————————————*MODULE status_2050 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS ‘ZSTANDARD’. SET TITLEBAR ‘ZSTANDARD’. IF NOT va_nomefile IS INITIAL. PERFORM create_object2 . ENDIF. IF va_nomefile IS INITIAL. PERFORM refresh_object. ENDIF. ENDMODULE.*&———————————————————————**& Module USER_COMMAND_2050 INPUT*&———————————————————————** text*———————————————————————-*MODULE user_command_2050 INPUT. CASE okcode. WHEN ‘&F03’ OR ‘&F15’ OR ‘&F12’. PERFORM exit_program. WHEN ‘BROWSE’. PERFORM browse_for_file USING TEXT–001 CHANGING va_nomefile. WHEN ‘ERASE’. CLEAR va_nomefile. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE.*&———————————————————————**& Form exit_program*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> p1 text*& <– p2 text*&———————————————————————*FORM exit_program . IF NOT o_viewer IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD o_viewer->close_document EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. CALL METHOD o_viewer->free EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDIF. LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.ENDFORM.*&———————————————————————**& Form browse_for_file*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> TEXT_001*& <– VA_NOMEFILE*&———————————————————————*FORM browse_for_file USING p_text CHANGING p_nomefile. DATA: tb_l_files TYPE filetable, vn_l_rc TYPE i. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = p_text* default_extension =* default_filename =* file_filter =* with_encoding = initial_directory = ca_initial_dir multiselection = ‘ ‘ CHANGING file_table = tb_l_files rc = vn_l_rc* user_action =* file_encoding = EXCEPTIONS file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy–subrc <> 0.* MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO* WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. READ TABLE tb_l_files INDEX 1 ASSIGNING FIELD–SYMBOL(<r_l_files>). IF sy–subrc = 0 AND <r_l_files> IS ASSIGNED. p_nomefile = <r_l_files>. ENDIF. CLEAR: sy–subrc. UNASSIGN: <r_l_files>. ENDFORM.*&———————————————————————**& Form create_object2*&———————————————————————**& text*&———————————————————————**& –> p1 text*& <– p2 text*&———————————————————————*FORM create_object2 . IF NOT va_nomefile IS INITIAL. IF NOT g_custom_container3 IS INITIAL. PERFORM refresh_object. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container3 EXPORTING container_name = ‘CONTAINER2’* ADD EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 OTHERS = 6. …
CL_GUI_HTML_VIEWER does not work when called in flowers app Read More »
Hi Experts, Manual way: Putting the url – https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/auth?response_type=code&scope=signature&client_id=67a95ba6-82e7-4b78-98fd-1cff98fc95d9&redirect_uri=https://localhost.com in google chrome and entering the DocuSign id and password. It will generate a return url as below with code: https://localhost.com/callback?code=eyJ0eXAiOiJNVCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiNjgxODVmZjEtNGU1MS00Y2U5LWFmMWMtNjg5ODEyMjAzMzE3In0.AQoAAAABAAYABwAA30yl9QLdSAgAAGvT7PUC3UgCAJxKBPiRcyhOs83_w0W0bwgVAAEAAAAYAAEAAAAFAAAADQAkAAAANjdhOTViYTYtODJlNy00YTMxLTg2ZmQtMWNmZjk4ZmM5NWQ5IgAkAAAANjdhOTViYTYtODJlNy00YTMxLTg2ZmQtMWNmZjk4ZmM5NWQ5NwDHzTMnA0QeQInEvooQf7l8MAAAT7XL4gLdSA.A_xjZwyZHt-WsC0GOG2r7lrn_4blz68uZ9G63mon7FIwDlVOko387j-3gV7x4VYpGI3uRhsuGFU2Qc2VZdRKVPH5Kf5kqhAq_5a9Ouxn-Wy1Jlg3UDxj0ZCt7Xxqr75ytBPzVoMgw5P5YCDXqJenCpcPmd9UVnN3MW9THx-lrRCqzOajV2_KHiakzZZRusD2k_wCs8qgY43RsLAAdJsxeswswLe6xOYBgFEgiN86ec-WfeUyOlZunTg1Pnmk5qrbadtyWLX5WywU3HrriYXXHwhJBQmDk7Q1aWD1Y7QzNu8ALcJM1oEe-_9Zq7l2ntUFbhPmvp75qEtriOgVVVfu1A ABAP Development: We are trying to achieve the same via abap program and are passing initial url but in response we are not able to …
Reading the return code from Browser for DocuSign grant code authentication in ABAP Read More »
Hi Experts, Manual way: Putting the url – https://account-d.docusign.com/oauth/auth?response_type=code&scope=signature&client_id=67a95ba6-82e7-4b78-98fd-1cff98fc95d9&redirect_uri=https://localhost.com in google chrome and entering the DocuSign id and password. It will generate a return url as below with code: https://localhost.com/callback?code=eyJ0eXAiOiJNVCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiNjgxODVmZjEtNGU1MS00Y2U5LWFmMWMtNjg5ODEyMjAzMzE3In0.AQoAAAABAAYABwAA30yl9QLdSAgAAGvT7PUC3UgCAJxKBPiRcyhOs83_w0W0bwgVAAEAAAAYAAEAAAAFAAAADQAkAAAANjdhOTViYTYtODJlNy00YTMxLTg2ZmQtMWNmZjk4ZmM5NWQ5IgAkAAAANjdhOTViYTYtODJlNy00YTMxLTg2ZmQtMWNmZjk4ZmM5NWQ5NwDHzTMnA0QeQInEvooQf7l8MAAAT7XL4gLdSA.A_xjZwyZHt-WsC0GOG2r7lrn_4blz68uZ9G63mon7FIwDlVOko387j-3gV7x4VYpGI3uRhsuGFU2Qc2VZdRKVPH5Kf5kqhAq_5a9Ouxn-Wy1Jlg3UDxj0ZCt7Xxqr75ytBPzVoMgw5P5YCDXqJenCpcPmd9UVnN3MW9THx-lrRCqzOajV2_KHiakzZZRusD2k_wCs8qgY43RsLAAdJsxeswswLe6xOYBgFEgiN86ec-WfeUyOlZunTg1Pnmk5qrbadtyWLX5WywU3HrriYXXHwhJBQmDk7Q1aWD1Y7QzNu8ALcJM1oEe-_9Zq7l2ntUFbhPmvp75qEtriOgVVVfu1A ABAP Development: We are trying to achieve the same via abap program and are passing initial url but in response we are not able to …
Reading the return code from Browser for DocuSign grant code authentication in ABAP Read More »
First time here, but been around SAP ICS for quite a while. Looking forward to learn and share. Thanks, Alex
Dear course participants, Welcome to the discussion forum for the course “Putting AI Ethics into Practice at SAP”. I’m a SAP Learning MOOC project manager and I worked closely with the subject matter experts to create this course for you. A special note of thanks to our experts Bettina Laugwitz, Khawla Mallat, Vikram Nagendra, Daniel …