We have to encrypt 1 field for sending to external API with AES256 algorithm with a provided AES256 key (from external system). I used method CL_SEC_SXML_WRITER=>ENCRYPT for the encryption with algorithm parameter cl_sec_sxml_writer=>co_aes256_algorithm but I don’t get the expected result. I verify the result thru online encryption tools, and various tools results in the same encrypted value but not from CL_SEC_SXML_WRITER=>ENCRYPT. I verified the hex values of the data and key and they are correct and consistent. Every execution of the code, results to a different encrypted value. The receiving system has also confirmed that they can not decrypt the passed value, same when I decrypt it thru online tools. How can I make this method work?
Here is my code:
DATA lv_key TYPE xstring.
DATA lv_data TYPE string.
DATA lv_data_xstr TYPE string.
DATA lv_msg TYPE xstring.
data(lr_conv_key) = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( ).
lr_conv_key->write( data = lv_aeskey ).
lv_key = lr_conv_key->get_buffer( ).
“Converting the data – From string format to xstring. You can use any other method or function module which converts the string to xstring format
data(lr_conv_data) = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( ).
lr_conv_data->write( data = lv_data ).
lv_data_xstr = lr_conv_data->get_buffer( ).
“Encrypt the data using the key
plaintext = lv_data_xstr
key = lv_key
algorithm = cl_sec_sxml_writer=>co_aes256_algorithm
ciphertext = lv_msg ).