I´m splitting up an XML-file into single nodes and want to put that nodes into different XML-transformations.
My current code is this:
” iXML-Object
DATA(lo_ixml) = cl_ixml_core=>create( ).
” XML-Document
DATA(lo_xmldoc) = lo_ixml->create_document( ).
” Stream-Factory
DATA(lo_xmlsf) = lo_ixml->create_stream_factory( ).
” Stream
DATA(lo_stream) = lo_xmlsf->create_istream_xstring( string = lv_xstring ).
” Parser-Object
DATA(lo_parser) = lo_ixml->create_parser( document = lo_xmldoc
istream = lo_stream
stream_factory = lo_xmlsf ).
IF lo_parser->parse( ) = 0.
DATA(lo_root) = lo_xmldoc->get_root_element( ).
” Get all E1EDKA1-nodes
DATA(lo_nodes_e1edka1) = lo_root->get_elements_by_tag_name( name = ‘E1EDKA1’ ).
” Iterator for found nodes
DATA(lo_node_iterator) = lo_nodes_e1edka1->create_iterator( ).
” first iterator-value
DATA(lo_nodes_temp) = lo_node_iterator->get_next( ).
” Iterate
WHILE NOT lo_nodes_temp IS INITIAL.
” Get child nodes
DATA(lo_node_children) = lo_nodes_temp->get_children( ).
” Get iterator for child nodes
DATA(lo_child_iterator) = lo_node_children->create_iterator( ).
” Get first child
DATA(lo_child_node) = lo_child_iterator->get_next( ).
I now want to loop over that nodes and want to call transformations for every node. I saw that there is a render-function, but how can I use that function to create XML-itabs from the nodes to use them in the transformation?