Hello community,
I have a specific program that runs in the background via a job, it is a process that takes several hours for an initialization phase, on average 16-18 hours (a few minutes later), several tests have been successfully performed for this initialization.
But for a few days new tests have been launched on the qualification server and the job is canceled by the system after about 8 hours of execution, no dump from the program (ST22).
The job logs say to go see the system logs (SM21); this is very system information, which I do not really know how to analyze.
Here is the data that I have in my possession from the Syslog log details view:
Message details
Message ID Q02
Category Operation trace
Message Text Stops work process 43 (PID = 52430, Info = Exit with status 0)
Session details
Package STSK
Technical details
SysLog type m Error (Function,Module,Row)
variable data wp_halthalt wpdpuxtool 334
Parameter details
Function wp_halt
Reason halt wp
Program dpuxtool
Line 334
What can I do at my level as a developer? Should I check memory consumption?
Thanks in advance for your help.